Navigating the ups and downs of 2021 – together

Dear Friends of 1014,

The year 2021 has been quite a roller coaster. Unwavering, however, is our commitment to creating more equitable societies. As we reflect on the changes, challenges, and moments of inspiration this year, we want to share our deep gratitude for your participation in the 1014 community.

With new administrations on both sides of the Atlantic, hopes were high for a reset of the much-needed partnership. But promising developments in trade and technology were juxtaposed with disappointments in other areas. 1014 partnered with the Center for Feminist Foreign Policy to discuss the importance of a people-centered, intersectional approach to foreign policy with topics ranging from reproductive rights to gender and climate justice.

We witnessed a tremendous push to reverse climate change – from all sectors and across the globe. However, the challenge remains, and the stakes are high. 1014 took an interdisciplinary approach to conversations on climate change: For example, in our trans-Atlantic Climate Talk series, we invited experts across different sectors to share their perspectives on the most pressing climate change issues; and, in partnership with The Urban Activist, we published a blog series highlighting local climate initiatives.

Hopes to emerge from the pandemic once vaccines were developed ran high – only to be discouraged by the emergence of dangerous variants. Resilience and adaptation will have to continue in all spheres of our lives. Since the onset of the pandemic, 1014 has held 24 virtual trans-Atlantic talks together with the American Council on Germany, covering topics such as economic recovery, digitalization, media, education, and the future of architecture and urban development.

We are reminded that we live in a global community, and today’s challenges can only be met together. But polarization runs deep, and our societies are divided. Together with WeArePolesApart Limited, 1014 examined in three virtual discussions what the driving factors are that divide us—and conversely, in our 1014: Past and Future exhibition and festival, we celebrated what brings us together in a weekend of architecture, culture, and community.

Collectively, we have contributed to urgent trans-Atlantic conversations with a total of 65 events for a more sustainable and just future across the globe. We look forward to continuing these imperative discussions with you in the new year.

Warm regards,

The 1014 Team:



