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Stimmbezirke (in German) Natalia Kiës and Elias Wessel

In this episode in German language, musician Natalia Kiës and artist Elias Wessel discuss the project “It’s Complicated - Ist möglicherweise Kunst".

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Democracy and Pluralism

Article four of Alexander Görlach's new column, part of our ongoing series "Let's Talk Democracy", explores Democracy and Pluralism.

Democracy and...


Democracy and Fairness

Article three of Alexander Görlach's new column, part of our ongoing series "Let's Talk Democracy", explores Democracy and Fariness.

Democracy and...


Democracy and Truth

Article two of Alexander Görlach's new column, part of our ongoing series "Let's Talk Democracy", explores Democracy and Truth.

Democracy and...


Georg Baumert - on how nature helps open your mind, and encouraged him to change his own

Georg Baumert, head of the German Borderland Museum's environmental education division, discusses the impact of the Greenbelt, a stretch of unspoiled nature along the former East-West German border, on teaching history.

Changed My Mind


Fernande Raine on the lessons we don't learn from history - and how to change that

Fernande Raine shared her experience in Russia, where she observed a shift towards imperialism and a resistance to democratic change. She stressed the importance of intergenerational dialogue and the need for a systemic overhaul in education to foster civic skills.

Changed My Mind


Katharina Weghmann - on how she realised business schools need to teach integrity and what leaders can do to instill it

Katharina Weghmann, a partner in forensic and integrity services at EY, discussed her evolving views on the role of regulation, particularly in sustainability.

Changed My Mind


Stimmbezirke (in German) Natalia Kiës and Elias Wessel

In this episode in German language, musician Natalia Kiës and artist Elias Wessel discuss the project “It’s Complicated - Ist möglicherweise Kunst".


Exhibition Video Released: Elias Wessel - It’s Complicated, Is Possibly Art

It’s Complicated, Is Possibly Art presents a selection of works by Elias Wessel that invert the digital space, playing with the seemingly non-corporeal, ephemeral, and magical forces tracking and shaping our experience.


ESMoA in Los Angeles — a museum breaking the mould of definition

This museum’s work supports diversity of thought through art, including a re-thinking of the definition of what a museum is.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


The Horniman Museum in London is a welcome truth of our world—to change it

At this Museum nature and heritage are not explained to make us comfortable. Its honesty evokes active citizenship as people reckon with the exigencies of social justice and climate.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


How the New York Public Library lays the seeds to cultivate the city

Located in Mid-Manhattan, the New York Public Library has taken over a century-old practice of seed saving and distribution. Could seed libraries one day prevent a food crisis in our cities?

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Neutrality shows its limits in Berlin: The Museum Berlin-Karlshorst

The director of the Museum Berlin-Karlshorst, formerly known as the Russian-German Museum, on its difficult task — and how neutrality no longer provides a refuge for Russian culture in Berlin.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Guarding the Art: Baltimore Museum gives a voice to its community

A revolutionary show, curated by security staff, spotlights the commitment of the museum to be more representative of the community it serves.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


In Berlin and Paris, two museums ask people to collect stories of a changing environment

An experimental collection of objects and stories of ordinary people, hosted by two natural history museums, takes on our changing planet. Could storytelling spark action?

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Museum Folkwang curates the city to find common ground for its future

Could a museum change a city? This museum of contemporary art invites urban dwellers to rediscover their city together, break barriers and reconnect outside the institution.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Museum Prescriptions for a healthy city –– is art that good?

How Brussels prescribes its own cultural gifts, urban privileges we may often take for granted or may not be able to afford, for a healthy community, a healthy city.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Pacifism is a privilege. What the war in Ukraine can teach us about cultural institutions

A Ukrainian curator, art historian and critic on how the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw changes its strategies to the current evils. And how the question of neutrality restrains others.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


‘There is no culture without future’: Reina Sofía Museum’s distinct vision

A unique collaboration between the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid and its neighbourhood of Lavapiés questions the role of museums in relation to their physical environment.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


More than a place to read: Memphis Library’s innovative transformation

The Cossitt Library in Memphis might be almost 130 years old; yet, it is one of the most innovative in the US. Its latest renovation will unite the city in ways beyond a dedication to the written word.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Two ex-lovers curate a museum to mend urban dwellers’ broken hearts

“Let us share a secret: even if you feel like grabbing an axe and breaking stuff – you will eventually get over it.” It’s time to walk through the Museum of Broken Relationships, to overcome emotional collapse.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Center for Public Secrets: Not leaving history to historians alone

How a grassroots idea becomes a cultural institution and a community weaving a tapestry of untold and neglected histories the city prefers to keep private.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


A museum’s stance on the Nazi legacy of its grounds

The Museum of Egyptian Art was built where a monumental building for the Nazi Party was supposed to stand in Munich. In this city, dealing with the past in public spaces is controversial but the museum hewed to its principle.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Science, art and museums! Connecting youth in custody with academics

How award-winning women in science and art have created a restorative platform for youth in custody through access to museums.

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Artist Lee Mingwei creates moments of change in cities

Lee Mingwei has transgressed the walls of museums. His participatory art provokes human connectedness among strangers. These moments of change are evidence of how museums could embrace new approaches to advance social value

Rethinking Cultural Institutions & Museums in Cities


Accepting American democracy was in mortal danger, with Cass Sunstein

World-renowned behavioural economist Cass Sunstein on why dismissing his friends' fears about democracy being at risk in the US was wrong.

Changed My Mind


Changing your mind on the Iraq War with Ed Owen

Former advisor to the Foreign Secretary at the time of the Iraq War, Ed Owen, on why he now feels differently about the decision to go to war in Iraq.

Changed My Mind


‘gieß Den Kiez’: Giving Trees in Berlin a Chance to Outlive Their Planters

Berliners are making watering trees more sexy than announcing new planting. The citizen-led initiative ‘Gieß den Kiez’ coordinates watering efforts to prioritize aftercare of street trees to outlive multiple generations of people.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Housing Los Angelenos Is a Human Right and Can Fight Climate Change

Decades of housing shortage has submerged Los Angeles in a humanitarian and sustainability crisis in the midst of extreme weather. But a growing group of volunteer Angelenos are building the movement to house LA and reverse climate change.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Urbanists or Environmental Activists. The Odyssey of the Superblocks

Increasingly, more activist voices are advocating to reconsider the superblocks in Barcelona. Initially planned as a project of great urban transformation, it threatens to result in a giant greenwashing operation.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


London’s Dream for Trees: Mini Urban Forests Towards Carbon Neutrality

With a science-led approach, ‘Dream for Trees’ has started to plant mini urban forests in London to efficiently store carbon and create local balanced ecosystems. Can they save us from human-caused climate change?

Inspiring Global Climate Action


La Plaza Cultural: The Wisdom of a Visionary Garden

‘Radical acts of gardening’ more than 40 years ago were visionary actions to reconnect with nature, which anticipated the challenges facing our cities today to fight climate change.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Gardening Decentralized Healing in Los Angeles for a Damaged Planet

In Los Angeles, a guerrilla garden proved that cultivating collective healing is possible where hardship prevails. Gardening is where healing the body and healing the planet meet and paves decentralized ways for ecosocial renewal in cities.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Pioneering a Circular City. At Haus Der Statistik Nothing Is Wasted

In Berlin grassroots initiatives and municipality are masterminding a town hall of the future in a pioneer quarter to decouple the city’s economic growth from environmental impacts, in addition to an avant-garde cultural approach.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


An Urban Garden Brings New Life to Berlin Cemeteries

In Berlin urban garden pioneers have spotted the potential of increasing idle space at cemeteries to foster sustainability and fulfill the purpose of remembrance.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Locals Give Canadian Cities Butterflies. From Their Backyards

In Canadian cities a neighbour-led movement is unfolding the potential of backyards to provide pollination routes for monarch butterflies. Also it is a call on locals to become Beebnb hosts — the Airbnb for wild bees.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


We Are Here Venice. Back Soon but Better

Now that Venice is back for its residents, culture and science are stimulating an urgent debate on its future. Some answers might already lie in the natural capital of the lagoon. If we can’t save Venice, what does that mean for the rest of humanity?

Inspiring Global Climate Action


No More Unease to Refill. A Revolution to Free Tap Water

Natalie Fee, co-founder of Refill in Bristol, has put the power to disrupt the vicious circle of bottled water at people’s fingertips to protect our water sources and the environment.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


A Green Strip Full of Potential. Creatives in Turin Reclaim Their City

Luca Ballarini, and the collective Torino Stratosferica, turned an abandoned tramway into a park to demonstrate the potential of Turin and project the city into a sustainable future.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


A Towering Waste Problem. Local Ideas Spearhead Change in Brooklyn

Waste is a huge problem. By the day. Here are some community-led ideas bred in Brooklyn which are a successful approach for radical change in waste reduction.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Demystifying open data. Citizens-created science for change

To embrace sustainability, cities ably need to reduce the social divide between the public and science by building data literacy and democratizing the use of open data.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Food warriors in New York. The Fight of our Century

The founders of the first plant-based community fridge in New York unlock fresh food for everyone and its value to combat diseases and heal the planet.

Inspiring Global Climate Action


Realising America's Criminal Justice System Was Broken with Jordan Blashek and Chris Haugh

The Authors of Union: a Search for Common Ground on how an American road trip woke them up to the failings in the criminal justice system and the limitations of beloved media outlets.

Changed My Mind


Danny Finkelstein on Changing Political Allies

Danny Finkelstein, associate editor of the Times and Conservative peer, talks to us about why being able to clearly see both sides of an argument is important but can also feel debilitating in a world that craves certainty.

Changed My Mind


Peter Geoghegan on Unaccountability and Returning Home

Peter Geoghegan, author of Democracy for Sale and investigative journalist, left Ireland as a young man desperate to get away but has returned in lockdown to find a country much changed.

Changed My Mind


Getting Less Liberal About Prostitution with Helen Lewis

Helen Lewis, a journalist at the Atlantic and author of Difficult Women: the History of Feminism in 11 Fights, talks about how she came to question her previous liberal beliefs on prostitution.

Changed My Mind


Democracy and Aspiration

Article one of Alexander Görlach's new column, part of our ongoing series "Let's Talk Democracy", explores Democracy and Aspiration.

Democracy and...

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