
Whistleblower policy

1014 Inc. Whistleblower Policy

The purpose of this Whistleblower Policy is to encourage and enable employees, volunteers, board members, and other stakeholders to report unethical, illegal, or inappropriate conduct within 1014 Inc. (“the Organization”) without fear of retaliation. The Organization is committed to maintaining an ethical, transparent, and compliant environment, and this policy outlines the process for reporting and addressing concerns.

This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, board members, and contractors of 1014 Inc., as well as anyone doing business with or representing the Organization. This policy is intended to address concerns related to suspected misconduct or violations of legal or ethical standards.

Policy Statement
1014 Inc. values integrity, accountability, and transparency in all its activities. We encourage individuals to report any concerns or suspicions regarding unethical behavior, illegal activities, or violations of the Organization’s policies and procedures. Reports will be treated with the utmost seriousness and will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.

Prohibited Conduct
Reports can be made about, but are not limited to, the following types of conduct:

  • Fraud, theft, or embezzlement
  • Discrimination, harassment, or other violations of the Organization’s code of conduct
  • Violations of local, state, or federal laws
  • Mismanagement, waste, or abuse of funds or resources
  • Conflicts of interest or unethical behavior
  • Any other violation of the Organization’s policies or procedures

Reporting Mechanism

1. Internal Reporting:
Individuals are encouraged to report concerns internally by contacting any of the following:

  • The Executive Director
  • The Chair of the Board of Directors

Reports can be made in person, by phone, or by email to the designated person(s) listed above. If the concern involves one of these individuals, the report should be directed to another trusted individual on the list.

2. Anonymous Reporting:
Individuals may report concerns anonymously. The Organization provides a confidential and anonymous reporting channel via a mailbox for physical notes addressed to the above listed designated person(s).

3. External Reporting:
If the individual believes that the matter cannot be resolved internally, they may report the concern to external authorities such as government agencies or law enforcement, as appropriate.


All reports of misconduct will be handled confidentially to the extent possible. The identity of the individual making the report will be kept confidential, except as necessary for conducting a thorough investigation, or as required by law.

No Retaliation
1014 Inc. prohibits retaliation of any kind against individuals who, in good faith, report concerns or participate in investigations related to a whistleblower matter. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of discrimination, harassment, job termination, demotion, or any adverse employment action.

If any individual believes they have been subject to retaliation, they are encouraged to report it immediately using the reporting mechanism outlined above. The Organization will investigate retaliation claims and take corrective action if necessary.

Investigation and Resolution

  1. Upon receiving a report of suspected misconduct, the designated person(s) will initiate a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation into the matter.
  2. All individuals involved in the investigation, including the person who made the report, will be expected to cooperate fully.
  3. After the investigation, the individual who made the report will be informed of the outcome of the investigation, subject to any confidentiality or legal constraints.
  4. If misconduct is confirmed, the Organization will take appropriate corrective action, including disciplinary measures or other actions as needed.

Protection for Whistleblowers
Whistleblowers who make reports in good faith are protected from retaliation. This policy does not protect individuals who knowingly make false or malicious reports.

Policy Review and Updates
This Whistleblower Policy will be reviewed periodically by the Board of Directors to ensure it remains effective and compliant with applicable laws and best practices. The policy will be updated as necessary, and employees, volunteers, and board members will be informed of any changes.

1014 Inc. is committed to fostering an environment of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. This Whistleblower Policy ensures that all stakeholders can report any concerns regarding unethical or illegal conduct without fear of retaliation, knowing that their concerns will be addressed appropriately.

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